The united and strong voices of ITUC-Asia Pacific’s affiliates are critical in realising the trade unions’ longstanding demand for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to introduce a binding and comprehensive labour safeguards that respect the core labour standards.
ADB started its phase 2 regional consultations on key thematic areas in November and December. To ensure that workers’ voices are raised in such consultations, affiliates of the ITUC-Asia Pacific are encouraged to participate in the following consultations on labour and occupational health and safety.
Labour and working conditions
Community and occupational health and safety (OHS)
It is time for the ADB to demonstrate its commitment to the core labour standards. The ADB should not just follow the labour safeguards of other international financial institutions (IFIs) but devise one that protects all project-related workers, including those in supply chains, and ensures that their working conditions are aligned with the core and international labour standards.
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