
Gender Equality

Trade unions have led the struggle to achieve gender equality not only in the workplace, but also in their structures, in different areas of policies, and in the society as a whole. ITUC-Asia Pacific guarantees the full integration of women in trade unions and the promotion of full gender parity in leadership bodies and activities at all levels.

Gender Equality

Trade unions have led the struggle to achieve gender equality not only in the workplace, but also in their structures, in different areas of policies, and in the society as a whole. ITUC-Asia Pacific guarantees the full integration of women in trade unions and the promotion of full gender parity in leadership bodies and activities at all levels.
Gender Equality

Trade unions have led the struggle to achieve gender equality not only in the workplace, but also in their structures, in different areas of policies, and in the society as a whole. As one of the fundamental principles and preconditions for building a strong, democratic, future-ready trade union movement and fairer, prosperous, and equal societies, ITUC-Asia Pacific’s Constitution expressly guarantees the full integration of women in trade unions and the promotion of full gender parity in leadership bodies and activities at all levels.

The ITUC-Asia Pacific and its affiliates set out this vision and explicit commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in all aspects of its work through the Platform of Action for Gender Equality (PAGE). Renewed every four years, PAGE, which forms part of the ITUC-Asia Pacific Policies and Action Programme, lays the foundation for the organisation’s broader policy and action towards achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment, and contributions to sustainable development.

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