4th ITUC-Asia Pacific Regional Conference
Women’s Pre-Conference Event | Sunday, 6 October 2019, Tokyo, Japan
From the Time is Now: Count Us In programme; which brought together 50 union women and advocacy partners from across the region, to the Moving Forward, Together: Women and Youth Unite programme, uniting around 70 women and young people of the ITUC-AP, this regional conference brought solidarity to a different level with delegates discussing forward thinking topics and sharing their shared vision and commitment to accelerating gender equality and equality for all in the years ahead.
Time is Now: Count Us In Programme
[Our story of mission possible]Progress of women-led actions were on full display as delegates reflected on their journey of leading many historical firsts and second and more for women and their families in the region.
From the last regional conference in 2015, delegates noted three things that made all the difference:
· When we include women in all decisions that impact their lives, and support them to lead, great things happen.
· When we work together, with men, with others, we and our actions become so much more effective and our results are even stronger.
· When we put women and their rights at the heart of our efforts, gender equality happens.
Delegates agreed that a big change has come to our movement. The team of union women of ITUC-AP and affiliates are no longer just a collective, a committee, a group. They have become a movement – even more united by their shared desire to make a difference.
Moving Forward, Together: Women and Youth Unite
[Violence and Harassment Convention 2019 – from Adoption to Ratification]
Delegates noted that there is no other example that can better illustrate how this movement of union women and young people are leading positive changes in the region than the recent gains in the adoption of C190 and ongoing ratification efforts.
With assistance from the ITUC Gender Equality Director Chidi King, delegates reviewed together salient provisions of the new instruments, examined progress of in-country ratification initiatives and agreed on a initial set of plans and campaign strategies for C190 ratification.