
2nd Regional Conference - ELIMINATION OF CHILD LABOUR

Jan 2011

In this resolution, the Conference recognises that the number of child labour globally declined form 222 million to 215 million, or 3% over the period of 2004 to 2008. In Asia and the Pacific region, there are still 122 million child labourers (5-14 years), of whom 100 million are girls. In the informal economy, child labour is widely visible. Organising informal economy to empower the working poor should be one of the most effective ways to reduce child labour - bringing children from workplace to school.

The Conference commits the ITUC-AP, working with affiliates and the GUFs to: strengthen interaction and cooperation with international agencies such as ILO and other relevant organisations, promote ratification and implementation of ILO Conventions, continue the regional campaign against child labour and promote free and compulsory primary and secondary education for all children by securing adequate budgetary allocations, etc.