In this resolution, the Conference expresses that it is appalled that around 2.3 million men and women die from work related accidents and diseases every year and an estimated 1.95 million workers die of fatal work related diseases. Hazardous substances cause an estimated 651,000 deaths and asbestos alone about 100,000 deaths every year. Furthermore, over 50,000 children under 14 are estimated to die annually from work-related accidents and illnesses. Rapid spread of HIV/AIDS is another threat. Estimated 33.4 million people are living with HIV or AIDS, with over 7,000 people infected with HIV each day and 2 million deaths annually in recent years.
The Conference commits the ITUC-AP, working with affiliates and the GUFs to: provide fora to exchange good work practices including training materials and methods, organise campaigns on OHS standards and implementation and monitor violations, promote ratification and enforcement of relevant ILO Conventions, including ILO Convention No. 155, Occupational Safety and Health and ILOC Convention No. 187, Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health, etc.