In this Resolution, the 3rd ITUC Asia Pacific Conference recognises that the past few decades of globalisation and structural adjustment policies have taken their heavy toll on the conditions of working people throughout the world. The number of working poor has gone up - 1.22 billion people live on less than US$1.25 a day. Of them, the Asia Pacific region accounts for 733 million. Unemployment is assuming alarming proportions and is increasingly defying any solution. This gloomy scenario underlines the relevance, the need, and the role of the trade union movement. Only through trade unions can workers improve their working and living conditions.
A global survey commissioned by the ITUC revealed that democratic unions independent of government represent just 7% of the global workforce. Trade union penetration is declining globally. Organising must become an integral part of all trade union work. The Conference notes that some affiliates of the ITUC-AP in recent times have done exemplary work in organising by bringing teaming millions into their fold. This has been the case of both formal and informal economies.
The Asia Pacific region has a tardy record in respect of ratification of fundamental conventions which facilitate organising. We need to intensify our campaign for ratification and implementation of the ILO Conventions relevant to organising.