In this resolution, the 3rd ITUC-AP Regional Conference reaffirms that global climate change is not only about the future but is also presently damaging the lives of the working class in the world today, especially vulnerable people. This is most prevalent in the PAC region where climate change has more intensifying, frequent, and stronger natural disasters. This also has an effect on national income as immediately affected countries are expected to lose 2% up to 9% of their GDP due to the effects of climate change in the next century. This fact makes climate change as much a workers’ issue as it is a nature and sciences issue.
Therefore the Conference commits the ITUC-AP, affiliates, and GUFs to: participate in the ITUC climate action; conduct campaigns for just transition to environmentally sustainable development and adaptation to global warming; demand and engage in social dialogue to ensure investment in industrial transformation; lobby and try for more engagement with government bodies and iFIs; and strengthen international solidarity among affiliates for the rehabilitation of victims of the adverse effects of climate change.