In this resolution, the 3rd ITUC-AP General Council recognises that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007 has drawn attention to the dangerous and irreversible consequences of climate change if ambitious and effective measures are not put in place to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and that that the way forward in transforming the present unsustainable carbon – intensive production and consumption patterns through a green sustainable development strategy is inevitable with the creation of green jobs and decent work.
The General Council calls upon governments to ensure that there is no net loss of employment due to climate change policies, and to address with the involvement and participation of trade unions, effects on employment from any climate change – related disruptions such as displacements and migration, as well as from any adaptation and mitigation measures. It also calls upon all affiliates to take necessary actions to prevail upon their respective governments to work towards a low carbon emission economy and to contribute to a successful conclusion of COP 15 that is to be held in December 2009 in Copenhagen.