In this resolution, the 4th ITUC-AP Regional General Council reaffirms its commitment to the achievement of gender equality and women empowerment as a top trade union agenda in its pursuit of democracy, social justice, peace, and development. It recognises that violence against women is both a root cause and a consequence of gender equality and a form of discrimination and a violation of human rights preventing women from the exercise and enjoyment of their rights and freedoms restricting fulfillment of their potentials and aspirations. It stresses that preventing and eliminating violence against women is the key and crucial step in the empowerment of women.
The Regional General Council calls on ITUC-AP and affiliates to advocate for the adoption of an ILO Convention and Recommendation on Sexual Harassment, to advocate for the adoption of an ILO Convention and Recommendation on the Elimination and Prevention of Gender-based Violence against Women, to advocate for explicit inclusion in the existing international instruments on VAW, etc.