
7th Regional General Council - RESOLUTION ON BURMA

Nov 2011

In this resolution, the ITUC-AP acknowledges the initiatives between the “new” Government and NLD led by Daw Aun San Suu Kyi, and welcomes the release of 16 FTUB members. However, the Council deplores the continuing reign of repression, ruthless exploitation of people, denying political freedom and trade union rights, and use of military force and chemical weapons against  the ethnic nationalities. They also call for the release of 22 FTUB members still detained, in standing with the Burmese people’s struggle for freedom and democracy. 

The Council further calls for the stopping of forced labor, recruiting of child soldiers, eradication of narcotics, and stopping of money laundering. With this, the ITUC-AP and affiliates commit to: campaigning for restoration of democracy; extension of support to democratic trade union movement; campaigning for the immediate lifting of the FTUB ban; and campaigning for the introduction of labor laws to ensure full workers’ rights.