
ITUC-AP 3rd Regional Conference 2015 Resolution

Jan 2015

This document contains all 24 resolutions of the 3rd ITUC-Asia Pacific Regional Conference with the slogan “Organising, Unity - The Way Forward, Building Workers’ Power”. The resolutions cover a wide set of issues from 1) building workers power, 2) the informal economy, 3) precarious work, 4) migrant workers, 5) multinationals, 6) decent work for domestic workers, 7) employment protection, 8) income-led growth for sustainable and inclusive growth, 9) social safety news based on fair taxation and fiscal for just development, 10, better OHS standards for just society and decent work, 11) child labour, 12) inclusive growth in trade development and economic integration, 13) climate action and green economy, 14) constructive industrial relations, 15) realising rights - defending and promoting workers’ rights, 16) protecting the gains and accelerating progress towards gender equality and women empowerment in Asia-Pacific, 17, ITUC - Asia Pacific actions for youth on realising youth mainstreaming in asia and the pacific, 18) solidarity to Nepal’s post-disaster resilience move, 19) violation of trade union rights in the Republic of Korea, 20) China, 21) solidarity with victimised Mahindra-Ssangyong workers, 22) the violation of trade union rights in India, 23) human tragedy in PT Mandom, Indonesia, and the 24) ban of strike in Indonesia.