
Joint Press Statement on the Labour Law Reforms in Indonesia

Press Statement
Aug 2023

Representatives of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), Confederation of Indonesian Labour Unions (KSBSI), and Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) issued a press statement presenting their key demands to the government in relation to the labour law reforms in Indonesia, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Review of the Law on Job Creation in consultation with social partners and urgent adoption of the amendments necessary to bring said law into compliance with the international labour standards [ILO Convention No. 98];
  • Availment, without delay, of ILO technical assistance with a particular focus on legislative labour law reform, including the Job Creation Law, with the full involvement of social partners, to ensure full compliance with its obligations under the Convention in law and practice;
  • Involvement of the social partners in the development of a roadmap on labour law reforms; and
  • Follow-up on the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on the Application of Standards to review and amend laws related to employment.