
Press statement on extinguishing the Omnibus Bill

Mar 2020

In this statement, the ITUC-AP expresses its full support to the Indonesia Working People, particularly, their Indonesian affiliates (KSPI and KSBSI) in their all-out struggles against the proposed “Omnibus Bill on Job Creation”. The ITUC-AP’s analysis shows that the proposed Bill would lead to a greater flexibility and lower workers’ welfare significantly by risking undermining minimum wages, by removing a critical provision with regard to severance pay, by removing limitations against the excessive use of temporary contracts for work of a permanent nature, by removing limitations to the outsourcing of workers and the coverage of health and pension schemes, by leading to significant health and safety risks, and by removing consultations with trade unions.

The ITUC-AP urges the Indonesian government to immediately withdraw the proposed Omnibus Law and calls for open and constructive consultations with the social partners while drafting the proposed Bill.