On 19 June 2021, the 109th Session of International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted an emergency resolution on Myanmar, calling for the restoration of democracy, the reestablishment of civilian rule, the end to arbitrary detentions and violations of human rights, and the restoration of fundamental principles and rights at work, especially the exercise of freedom of association without the threat of violence, arrest, and detention.
The resolution also recommends the ILO Member States to support the restoration of democracy in Myanmar, including the role of workers’ and employers’ organisations in promoting democracy in the country. Furthermore, it calls on the ILO Governing Body to monitor the situation in Myanmar and follow up on the implementation of the resolution.
Shoya Yoshida, General Secretary of the ITUC-Asia Pacific, welcomes and supports the ILC resolution for the return to democracy and respect for fundamental rights in Myanmar. He said, “Nearly five months have passed since the military forcibly took over the Myanmar government. Violations of human and trade union rights are still happening until today. The international community must continue to condemn and exert pressure on the Tatmadaw until democracy is restored in Myanmar.”