In this resolution, the Conference expresses its concern over the consequential effects of the 18th Constitutional amendment passed by the parliament of Pakistan which has made redundant the National Regulatory Authority for registration of National Industry-wise Trade Unions and Federations at national level and determination of their Collective Bargaining Agent and conciliation and adjudication of their industrial disputes.
The Conference emphasizes that the national trade union movement and Worker Employer Bilateral Council (WEBCOP) shall be given proper position to play their own roles in national economic and development policies in the framework of national industrial relations.
The Conference urges the government of Pakistan to restore the national legislative regulatory authority of the National Industrial Relations Commission in order to enable to workers to organise them at national level in conformity with international obligations undertaken by the Government of Pakistan by ratifying ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98 pertaining to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining and fundamental rights guaranteed to the workers under Article 17 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan so that the national trade union confederations will again play a pivotal role in nationwide collective bargaining and dispute settlement.